Ms. Venise Dorce

Ms Venise Dorce, RN, is the Project Director of the Integrated Patient-Centered Community-Based Outreach System (IPCOS) of the TIDE Haiti Program.
She is a registered nurse with more than ten years of experience in community health. She has been involved in patient care and community activities for HIV / AIDS for three years at Saint Boniface Hospital. From this experience stems her passion for Community Health.
She continues her journey working respectively in Project Management, Primary Health Care, Cholera, Hospital Infection Control and Health Data Management in Cité Soleil, in the South and West departments of Haiti.
Her aim is to improve quality of care of patient and support other areas of health such as prevention, health promotion, and patient centered care.
She obtained her nursing diploma at the National School of Nursing located in Cayes and her specialization in community health at the Haitian Institute of Community Heath (INHSAC).