
We bring unique approaches, solutions, and tools to optimize the impact of our work cutting across the three academic pillars of education, research, and service. We infuse systems thinking in our interventions and consider the interconnected elements of the health system plus its social and technical dimensions to ensure programs and initiatives are not only technically feasible and implementable but are politically viable and sustainable. We leverage our broader community at Georgetown to layer equity and a rights-based lens to all interventions. We promote and broker transformative partnerships including public-private, government – nongovernment and national-regional-global levels to optimize effective collaborations critical for the success of any intervention. Further, our work is enriched through unique and innovative applications of human-centered design to drive the fast spread of local solutions and to inform key policy and practice decisions.

Our approaches fall under four broad areas including Health Services Outcomes, Behavioral Science, and Epidemiology & Data Science. In addition, we adopt Implementation Science as an organizing principle and central tenet to these approaches. 

Health Services Outcomes

Our overall strategic objective is to optimize outcomes resulting from the delivery of high-quality health services and in particular how to integrate disease interventions and care processes to ensure health services that are client/family-centered to meet the current and future needs of served populations with a particular focus on sub-populations that face higher systemic and structural barriers to accessing these services. Through Health Services Outcomes Research, we investigate organizational, provider, and patient dynamics that influence more effective uptake of interventions and through technical assistance and direct program delivery, work through broad partnerships to co-design customized delivery models that are informed by this research for specific populations including adolescents, boys & girls, adolescents, young women & men, and migrant populations. 

We enhance health services outcomes through Science of Improvement methods to ensure any health quality improvement investments focus on achieving four main outcomes – (1) improved care quality and effectiveness, (2) reduced cost of care and improved efficiency, (3) improved patient and family experiences in process of seeking care including ensuring equity, and (4) improved provider experience including prevention of provider burnout. To ensure these outcomes, our programs aim to institutionalize quality improvement practice within comprehensive integrated service delivery in health facilities; integrate quality improvement within the broader universal health coverage agenda in each country; support the development and strengthening of quality governance structures and systems at all levels of the health care system – national, regional, local, and community; infuse continuous innovation and spread of proven quality- improvement practices to maintain disease prevention and control goals in each country. We have developed a unique model of integrated “Scalable Units” as catalysts to replicate and scale up best practices to catalyze improved health outcomes within each country and across all countries that includes effective engagement of ministries of health, providers within health facilities, communities, civil societies, families, patients, and institutions to change and improve quality. In this regard, we support “Scalable Units” in each country and across countries that represent all levels of the healthcare system. This allows us to focus on QI interventions and showcase all functioning elements of QI practice, including coordination systems, a structured data collection and use process, interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration, ongoing provider competence enhancements, continuous assessments, evaluation and remediation of gaps in service delivery, institutionalization of best practices, and dissemination and spread through collaborative networks

Implementation Science

At the core of CGHPI’s mission is the sustained improvement of health outcomes around the world through the generation and translation of evidence into practice. This translation occurs through a robust Implementation Science approach that guides integration, scale-up, and sustainable institutionalization of what is proven to work focusing on measuring and ensuring real-world effectiveness of innovations, newly generated knowledge, evidence, and best practices. Based largely on the RE-AIM framework, our implementation science approach takes into consideration the reality that local cultural and system dynamics influence the effective uptake of interventions and hence must be customized to local contexts. We consistently apply an interdisciplinary lens to their implementation – aiming to identify, measure, and address all potential factors that could affect uptake and sustainable impact.

Further, we apply a continuous learning framework to program implementation that allows us to appropriately modify the scale-up and spread of interventions with lessons learned from ongoing implementation. We participate actively in various forums across the globe – sharing our findings and lessons learned with others in the global community, as well as learning from the experiences of partners, collaborators, and most importantly – the communities we serve.

Behavioral Science

‘Drugs don’t work if patients don’t take them.’ This statement by Everett Coop is not only a firmly established axiom at CGHPI, but we have also expanded its application to cover all interventions brought to the people we serve – including medical, social, preventative, and rehabilitative – amongst others. At CGHPI, we know fully well that interventions don’t work if people don’t accept them, and they cannot be sustained and institutionalized if people don’t understand them. As such, we apply a robust Behavioral science component informed by our research to the implementation of all interventions – working with evidence generated and necessary information around local, human behavior that could influence the impact of interventions being introduced. This is firmly grounded within our center-wide Local Innovations Scaled Through Enterprise Networks (LISTEN) methodology which has behavioral science as its foundation, with Human Centered Design, Communities of Practice, and effective Data use as pillars. CGHPI applies LISTEN to each and every program implemented across the world. Through it, we bring a robust behavioral science component to programming that further ensures the long-lasting impact of our interventions. Through Predictive Modeling methods, we target interventions to address key drivers of vulnerability for specific sub-populations as part of our broader commitment to addressing health inequities.

Strategic Information: Epidemiology and Data Science

Strategic Information can be described as a set of principles that define, guide, and support the routine extraction of knowledge and information from data; this approach requires the management of data, biostatistics, epidemiology, and visualization, the familiarization with the scientific method and problem-solving, strong domain knowledge of the area of study, and the use of health technology and informatics. Strategic Information seeks to problem solve, to probe many sources of data to guide decision-making, rather than simply to explain what the data are showing. CGPHI’s interdisciplinary approach allows for routine and effective extraction of knowledge from data – in order to solve complex problems within health care and public health practice.