
In Nigeria, through funding from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), we engaged in an adaptation process of the US CDC Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Training Curriculum to develop and roll out a PHEM Professional Development Training (PDP) program at Basic and Intermediate levels. This is in addition to developing and rolling out a Center of Excellence Initiative that is strengthening efforts to enhance public health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts to prevent and reduce the public health consequences of disease outbreaks. We also support achieving and maintaining HIV and TB epidemic control in three states (Kano, Bauchi, and Jigawa) through technical assistance to Georgetown Global Health Nigeria (GGHN). Furthermore, we have provided technical assistance on a GGHN project in developing a National Laboratory Information System (eN-LIS) in Nigeria to aid the management of laboratory data in-country across all disease programs. Currently, through US CDC C19RM, we provide technical assistance to NCDC in conducting a Nigeria national serosurvey for COVID-19 and five vaccine-preventable diseases, program management support at the subnational unit in the implementation of PHEM PDP, and upgrading the case management module for the Surveillance Outbreak Response Management & Analysis System (SORMAS).