
Ms. Sinthia Alcine,

Ms. Sinthia Alcine is a data officer of the Integrated Patient-Centered Community Outreach System (IPCOS) of the TIDE Haiti program.

A social worker by formation, she has been working in HIV/AIDS care since her internship at Hôpital Bon Sauveur de Cange (Zanmi Lasante/Partner in Health) in 2018.  This is where her passion for the psychosocial and community care of HIV/AIDS in Haiti comes from.

She has also gained experience in caring for orphans and vulnerable children because of her two years of working with the children of Zanmi Béni.

Trained in social medicine by Equal heath, Ms. Alcine has worked as an assistant professor, M&E trainee, and Head of Implementation at Social Medicine Alumni Haiti (SMAH), where she has been involved in promoting social medicine in Haiti and denouncing social inequalities in health.

From her position as a trainee in M&E to that of a Data Officer with the TIDE Haiti program, she continued to work in data management. She collaborates with care support teams to strengthen individualized care interventions for PLHIV, and she aids various communities in implementing effective plans to improve patient retention in care.

She would like to focus more on caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Haiti. It is a field she hopes to explore in greater depth.

Following her studies in social work at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Université d’Etat d’Haïti (UEH), Ms. ALCINE is currently doing a master’s degree in international cooperation and humanitarian aid.