
Mr. Loobens Love Dorsainvil

Mr. Loobens Love DORSAINVIL is the Retention Officer for the Peer Engagement for Assured Retention and Support (PEARS) project of the TIDE Haiti Program.

He received a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from the State University of Haiti. Prior to working with Georgetown University, he worked as an investigator in a research project on gender-based violence conducted by the University of Ottawa and the State University of Haiti. He also gained experience working on a behavior change communication project on Covid-19.

He published articles on social issues in the national daily newspapers (Le Nouvelliste and Le National). Currently, he is working on TIDE-Haiti Project, supporting the retention of PLHIV in care as such he organized a focus group to understand the needs and the reasons clients interrupted their treatment in care and assisted clients and PLHIV Associations to address the issues. This has led him to take courses on: Human Centered Design Approach, Systems practice, Social and Behavioral research investigators and key personnel, the latest WHO HIV service delivery, and differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment.

His aim is to contribute to strategic care policies, to change the perception of illness, and to build an equitable care system for all.