
Mr. Emmanuel Samuel Fritz Thony

In July 2020, he joined the TIDE-DDP program and his role is to ensure that all medicines and commodities are properly stored and follow good dispensing practices. He also ensures TAR forecasting for all Drug Dispensing Points (DDPs). He makes the link between PSM Chemonics, Global Fund, and other supply mechanisms in order to continuously secure a proper number of medicines for all DDPs and avoid stock-outs. All this is to keep the DDPs running and help patients get their medications on time and remain undetectable.

Prior to his role at Georgetown Global Health Haiti, he helped to elaborate the GHESKIO Community Dispensing for ART and he was the chief pharmacist and Stock Manager for St-Damiens Hospital.

Mr. Thony receives his Diploma as a pharmacist at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the State of University of Haiti.
