
Dr. Pido Bongomin

Dr. Pido Bongomin

Dr. Pido Bongomin, MBChB, MMed (Internal Medicine), is the Deputy Resident Country Director and Chief Technical Officer for the Georgetown Center for Global Health Practice and Impact in Eswatini.

Previously, for eight years, he was an Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and doubled as the Deputy Country Director for Programs at ICAP in Eswatini. In this role, he worked as a clinician and public health specialist, focusing on strategic planning, programmatic management and coordination of TB/HIV programs in Eswatini.

With funding from CDC/PEPFAR, Dr. Bongomin led ICAP’s work to support rapid expansion of HIV Care and Treatment activities under PEPFAR in Eswatini in the three regions of Lubombo, Manzini and Hhohho where he provided oversight for clinical and programmatic technical assistance to decentralize HIV care and treatment from 47 to 112 urban and rural clinics. In the last 5 years, he continued to provide programmatic and technical leadership for the implementation of two major CDC funded cooperative agreements: (1) Strengthening laboratory quality management systems in all 72 laboratories in the country and (2) Strengthening TB/HIV Care and Treatment in Manzini Region. His work involved oversight for clinical mentorship, monitoring and evaluation of the TB/HIV diagnostic and treatment cascades, laboratory strengthening, operational research and innovations, and advocacy and resource mobilization toward improved treatment outcomes.

He was actively involved in the implementation of routine viral load monitoring to scale, introduction of optimized antiretroviral treatment (ART) regimens including the use of dolutegravir, as well as scaling-up the implementation of task shifting to nurse-led ART initiation in Eswatini. He led or supported several implementation science and operational research studies in Eswatini including acting as the in-country technical lead for the first nationally representative HIV drug resistance survey in Eswatini in 2016, and as co-investigator for integration of non-communicable diseases (NCD) management into HIV clinics in Eswatini, integration of cervical cancer screening and management into HIV care, and Evaluating Enhanced Integration of TB/HIV Services in Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) Settings. He was also co-investigator for the NIH-funded study on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Screening and Management Among People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in Eswatini.