
Dr. Normusa Musarapasi,  MD MPH, MBA

Dr. Normusa Musarapasi is a medical doctor with a master’s in public health, a master’s in Business Administration, and a postgraduate diploma in HIV management, with 16 years of experience in Sub-Saharan Africa (Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and South Africa). A dynamic Public Health practitioner and clinician passionate about community and health systems strengthening through quality improvement, and capacity building, and with diverse experience leading and implementing SRH/HIV/AIDS/TB/Opportunistic infections programs/Noncommunicable diseases including clinical management, guidelines development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and program evaluation. Dr. Musarapasi has 13 years of experience in Eswatini, with six years of progressive program management as an implementing partner under PEPFAR/CDC (Georgetown University and University Research Co. LLC); four years of clinical and managerial experience under AIDS Healthcare Foundation; two years’ with Medecins Sans Frontieres; and VMMC part-time surgeon at Family Life Association of Swaziland and Population Services International; additionally,  two years HIV/TB under the Global Fund in Lesotho.

Dr. Musarapasi joined Georgetown University (GU), Eswatini Branch in November 2020 as Regional Technical Lead for Lubombo region under the CDC/PEPFAR funded Support Eswatini to Achieve and Sustain Epidemic Control under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (SEASEC) project and promoted to Associate Technical Director in January 2021. The project objectives are to: (1) support MOH to deliver effective, efficient, patient-centered, and human rights-based quality comprehensive TB and HIV prevention, care, and treatment services across the care spectrum and for all populations in Manzini and Lubombo; (2) develop the capacity of facility managers to implement national guidelines and programs with fidelity and manage the implementation of clinical HIV and TB related services; (3) routinely monitor and review HIV outcomes at supported facilities (including HIV positive yield, linkages, treatment initiation, retention, and viral load suppression) and support required reporting and data use at the Eswatini National Aids Program (ENAP) and the National TB Control Program (NTCP); and (4) work with MOH to assure sustained HIV epidemic control by the KoE public health system, and support transition of technical and programmatic oversight of HIV and TB related services to MOH. She has also provided technical support in coordinating other in-country projects including the COVID-19 response; Find, Test, Treat TB and COVID-19 and Initiative (FTTC-FIND); and  Integral Global’s project to reduce deaths from HIV-associated Cryptococcal Meningitis (CM). She provides strategic direction and technical support at national (Swaziland National AIDS Program, National Tuberculosis Control Program, Non-Communicable Diseases Unit, National Cancer Coordination Unit), regional (Regional Health Management Teams in Manzini and Lubombo regions) and facility (84 GU supported sites in the two regions) levels. She also provides oversight and guidance to the GU service delivery improvement (SDI) team and is a member of the extended Senior Leadership Team (eSLT). She has an interest in operational research and has focused on improvements in access to services by clients in the areas of COVID-19 and continuity in care for HIV/TB services.