
Ms. Marthe Nalie Louis

Ms. Louis has more than 14 years in public health programs including Malaria, TB/HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Reproductive Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), for several indigenous and international institutions such as Haitian Organization of Social Marketing for Health (OHMaSS/PSI), Foundation for Reproductive Health and Family Education (FOSREF), National Malaria Control Program of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (PNCM/MSPP), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) throughout the 10 departments of the country.

She has a diploma in social sciences as a Social Worker from the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the State University of Haiti and has two university diplomas from the University of Bordeaux in France for Health Database Management Methodology and Health Statistics Methodology.

From August 2009 to September 2014, she carried out several qualitative studies for OHMaSS/PSI as part of the implementation of their social marketing projects, in the determination of archetypes (profiling) and the pre-testing of Family planning products and communications materials they had developed. It was from these experiences that her passion for studying statistics was born.

She has also worked as an M&E and Research Assistant. For more than 7 years, she supervised and managed a team of 80 data collectors who helped her with research activities, supervision, and data validation. She also coordinated recruitment, training and capacity-building activities for these data collectors over these 7 years.

 She has carried out verification and validation of Orphan Vulnerable Child (OVC) school records for the Global Fund project in various health institutions. This enabled her, through in-depth analysis, to de-duplicate duplicates and obtain a final consolidated national database for the project, with unique beneficiaries.

She provided support as well to other research projects, as a data collector, data collection supervisor, and data analyst for IBBS (Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance) Studies conducted among gay communities and sexual workers. TRaC (Tracking Results Continuously) Survey examining the use of modern contraceptive methods among women of childbearing age 15-24. TRaC Survey on male partner support and the use of modern contraceptive methods in the North-West department. Hot Spot Mapping Survey. Survey on the mapping of potential points of sale for Family Planning products and Pantè.  Survey to assess the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries of the MATS (Manman ak Timoun an sante) project in health institutions, (PAHO/WHO). TRaC Jeune (Youth behavioral study on HIV in Haiti) TRaC Dlo (Household behavior survey on treated water use).

Currently, she is the strategic information specialist for TIDE Haiti, particularly for the Differentiated Services Delivery Model project.